Friday, September 26, 2008

Your opinion, a post script...

My husband just read today's post and hit my list of questions posed by the Aquarium Toilet. "What about when you flush it" he asked, "What would happen to the fish?" "I guess I assumed the tank was just for show," I said. We both peered at the tank pictured. "Nope," I said, "I can see all the flushing mechanisms right in there." My husband said, "So that means all the fish would be thrown around in the water, and then they'd lie there gasping until the tank fills up." "Make for a bunch of freaked-out fish," I said. See example of a freaked-out fish pictured below.

Example of a freaked-out fish

This is a coelacanth, a very old and very ugly fish, considered extinct for thirty million years until it was pulled out of the sea off South Africa in 1938. One of the first scientists inspecting the fish is reputed to have fainted shortly after laying eyes on it. I don't imagine the fish was happy either. And after its being thought extinct and off the radar, suddenly everyone got hot for a coelacanth. Today, they're still caught by deep sea fishermen.

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