Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Bad ideas...


Just in case you can't see all the detail here, and how could you, these are instructions for building your very own "Snoop Camera" 1954 style. A plywood casing containing your peep camera clamps onto a wall. The hidden camera can then be raised to peer over the wall so you can take secret pix of that honey lounging by the kidney-shaped pool next door. Oh, baby! Looka that!

I post this to remind myself that this country has never had a noticeable shortage of bad ideas. Some can be spotted by anyone (or anyone's pet for that matter). For example there's the male breast-feeding assembly to be worn over a business suit. But the "Snoop Camera" falls into a grayish area, where it's possible to imagine a 1954 fourteen-year-old thinking, Man, what a great project! And those are the bad ideas to watch out for.

Reading about the mega-bail-out the government has in mind, I started thinking about my own gum-ups. I've certainly made huge mistakes in my life, but I've made most of them only once. After windmilling over several cliffs, I developed some useful meta-rules for recognizing crap ideas, no matter how temptingly wrapped. I'm offering them to the federal government since our government seems to like diving into cesspools, and caution be damned. If just the government and its over-paid lobbyists were drowning in this pool of shit, I'm not sure I'd pipe up, but the gov'mint seems happy to drag in innocents as well. So, without further adoo-doo, here are my cautionary rules...
  1. When you are told you have to do something right now, don't do it.
  2. When you think you have to do something right now, you don't.
  3. When someone tells you they can solve your giant emergency, they can't.
  4. If someone has already screwed up your house and your car, then announces they are ready to do your taxes, don't let them.
  5. If someone says trust me, you shouldn't.
You get the idea. Sometime last night, I remembered a quote from an Iris Murdoch novel, A Severed Head, where one of the characters notes, Only lies and evil come from letting people off. I have to say I agree.

In fact, maybe that's my #6.

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