Wednesday, October 22, 2008

The Nazi bounce....
Communist Satirical Image Unattributed and Undated

As I noted last night, I attributed my jump in readership to the infamous Nazi Bounce, but seeing that it's continued unabated, I have to say it's probably also due to the Nazi\cat contribution, since I posted a kitler (trans. a cat that looks like Hitler) as well. Cats and Nazis are an almost unbeatable combo.

In figuring out which topics will blow a reader's dress up, please join me, my faithful and new readers, as we embark on a social experiment. It's my contention that certain topics are never-fail, and that web-crawlers will report that Nazis! exist on blameless under-read blogs such as mine. So I'll attract your hard-core Nazi fan maybe once, before they melt away like an April snowfall. However, by adding a kitler, I skewed the numbers. No doubt Nazi-seekers were then followed by the Cute Overload faithful, and I got the LOL Cat Bounce.

My husband at his eclectic and always fascinating website got a huge rock-star level bounce when he posted his story: German Pop Star Marries Pineapple story. (Who knew there were so many man-on-fruit readers?) But, as he discovered, a story like that is hard to build on without descending into full-tilt freakishness.

Without grossing you or myself out, I'm going to experiment with a group of topics in the next few days. For example, it's my private contention that while Nazis! will attract a great plethora of readers, Commies will not. Even with the incendiary "fag" added (see above), and a little humor to lighten the total draggy Marxism of it all, Commies are just sad-sacks, and always have been. Plus there's no website for people who have dogs that look like Lenin. But I could be proved wrong.

I believe there is a regrettable human curiosity about the dark side, whether we express it by visiting dubious websites or through building a lavishly equipped dungeon in our homes. Fab fact : in keeping up with the Dallas S&M dungeon stats, I've discovered that the bulk of them are built in Plano, an over-privileged area outside Dallas proper. Here in the funkier area, where your own Writer to the Stars resides, dungeons are a fairly unknown option. But then, we have those meth labs several streets over to offset the deficit.

Well, I shall choose my topics with care, and report on readership bounces or non as they happen.

I hope you'll come along for the ride.

Here's today's kitler. (Pick him out, if you can.)

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