Friday, October 24, 2008

Baby bunnies and ghost photos...
Paranormal photo. Unattributed 2002

So-far I'm disheartened. Having jumped into the warm and welcoming tabloid soup sloshing out there on the internet, just to see if it boosts my stats, I have to report that it does. My numbers have never been better. I'm definitely getting the Nazi Bounce (see post of same name) with the weird, the yucky, and the overly cute, plus tossing in the odd kitler for good measure. After scoffing at me for grubbing around in the cheap n' easy, my husband has gone full-tilt boogie into tab-land. Check him out at, or just click on my blog roll.
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Before I sweep into my diatribe about ghost photographs, here's the promised baby bun rabbit. And yes, it's cute, although having raised rabbits I can report confidently that it's probably remarkably personality-free. Just putting it out there from my own experience: rabbits are not the brightest bulbs in the tanning booth. However, at the time I was raising bunnies to eat, so I probably didn't go in for a lot of anthropomorphism. You don't ever want your food to be a close friend.

So my topic today is ghost photographs. For you alone, dear readers, I looked through a bale of dull, cloudy paranormal photographs, and I'm sorry to say that for all our advances in technology, we are nowhere in ghost photographs. In fact, we have regressed. When I was just a wee tiny compulsive reader, I used to go to our branch library and get out a large volume, printed sometime around 1905. In it were large photographs showing people wearing rusty-looking black suits and high necked dresses, sitting upright in ornate parlor chairs. Around them, foggy-looking transparent children floated near the light fixtures. Some of the photos showed a tightly-laced woman vomiting yards of ectoplasm, which I understand is a kind of paranormal glop the long-dead leave around. Occasionally, a huge see-through head was shown, bobbing around the ceiling. Those were some rip-snorting ghost pictures, you betcha.

Consider the wan modern example above. Here's what I was able to find out. Guy takes pix of girlfriend. When they get the pix printed, they spy this skeletor-type figure shown on the TV. Guy asks girl if she was watching some horror movie where you might normally see a skeletor. She says no. Woooooooooooo! We're now in paranormal land. Except I call bullshit on the whole deal. Anytime I see some blobby out-of-focus thing parading as an actual soul, returned from the dead, I say, probably not. If ghosts were thick on the ground, I'd like to think that we'd see some crisper images by this late stage in our culture, and maybe some communication, like a little one on one between the living and the blurry dead. Why do these lingering souls want to hang out in TV sets and old creaky houses? Are they ever jealous of our stuff? Do they want an iPod? A new Apple? A DVD of say, Saw V?

There's so much we'll never know.

Ah. It's Friday. And here's your kitler.

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