Thursday, September 3, 2009

Civil Discourse

I haven't blogged since March? Wow. Hard to believe but not hard to do (or not do). I eased into not-blogging like a champ and got better at not-writing as I went on. But now it's time. Time to saddle up and write some posts.

For my reintroduction, I include my facebook picture, which exhorts me or you or the world at large to be funky. (I'm so tempted.) Actually be funky is a web application that will convert whatever photo you choose into a cartoon, a stencil, Pop Art, or (ambiguously) Red, White n' Blue. It's idiot simple and a lot of fun. Once I tried it out, and then lived life as a 'toon, I decided it was too rough and tumble in toon-land, what with explosions, talking critters, and all that work at the Acme Writing Factory. So then, I decided to simply exist, placidly and serenely, as a 1950's Redbook magazine tempera illustration.

After all, it was a quieter time, when grown ups in suits ladled out the boring evening news; in the AM, we read the newspapers while munching our cornflakes and guzzling our Tang. And although we might have a few opinions on how things were going, we kept them to ourselves except when likkered up on dry martinis or schnapps, depending.

But hey, you watch Mad Men. You know what it was like.

When I've poked my 1950's head into the net or cable TV, I've seen that America, or some part of it, has gone stone crazy. It seems there's a faction out there, often fat, white, pissed-off, and draped in tea-bags, but a faction nonetheless, and one in possession of the Revealed Truth. The True Word being that Obama is a Nazi, who wants all of Amurrica for hisself, and isn't that just like a Negro? Selfish and uppity, taking over a whole country like that and turning everyone into a communiss, whether they wanta be a communiss or not.

When confronted with these folks which, thankfully is rare, as a 1950's magazine babe, I mumble, How nice for you. But within my bad-ass beatnik writer self, I can't ignore the fact that there is work for me to do: heartless comments to be made and snark to be spread.

It's good to be back.


Athensboy said...

Ha, ha! I've missed your blog posts. And it seems to me that a certain segment of said US population wasn't in class the days "civility" or "civics" was taught. They were either practicing football, smoking at smokers' corner, or even more likely, faking an illness at home. Or, more recently, they may have been "schooled" at home or at their church. If THAT isn't freedom, what is? Our government and school boards say, "OK sure, you can remain as dumb and uninformed as you are now, that's OK." What the hell? In my schoolin' time, truants were hunted down and jerked by the collar into that algebra class they were failing. And after remedial classes to be reminded of what 2 + 2 =, they were taught how to manage and balance an equation. I DON'T recall being taught about the dreaded "socialism" (they lived somewhere behing an Iron Curtain!) until I was in a college philosophy class. Wow, I thought, Europeans may be defeated, but at least they are COOL! All that was a long time ago... the Earth is passing through a different part of the Universe now, different vibes entirely. Wait... this is not MY blog. Welcome back.

Ava Quinn said...

Bring the snark! Glad to have you back!