Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Cuteness will not be mandatory...
Courtesy of

I don't know how you sweated out the last term of our Former Occupant, but me, I spent uncounted zombie hours in a tranquil muttering haze over at, where everyone speaks a mutant brand of English, and where there is an endless stream of animal pix, showing all species of critters who are tiny, adorable, and often occupied with eating something bigger than their heads.

Today, in the cool pure light of a new day, I did not once feel the need to scurry over to my website haven, and stare at a hamster trying to cram a large carrot chunk down its gullet. I count that as A Good Thing, since only God knows how many brain cells I was losing through sheer disuse. I'm not proud of it, but I was also known to hang out at, glomming digital photos of cats doing the darndest things.

And, when I woke this morning, I didn't race in for my required 2.5 hours worth of reading political and news blogs, posts, and newsfeeds to see if the Current Occupant had decided to just fucking go for it, and set off the big one. As I bumbled through my day, I didn't have to monitor those same news blogs, posts, and newsfeeds, checking on what fresh hell was happening, and deciding whether or not to run for the border.

The last eight years have been hard on us, maybe harder than we know. We're all fatter, dumber, and meaner now, but why wouldn't we be? It's hard to take a lively interest in working out when you can't afford the gym fees and when a looming global apocolypse trumps toning up those jiggly thighs. Don't know about you, but I sure clocked a lot of TV time too, mostly watching true crime shows, like there wasn't enough real crime around.

Maybe we're turning a new page. I don't know if we are or not, but I think we're turning a better page.

And good for us.

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