Thursday, March 27, 2008

The sorrows of the world...

I'm addicted to media of all kinds...Internet, radio, TV, DVD, name it and I'm probably plugged in to one type or another. But I don't have an IPod, I hate my cell phone, and I'm fairly sure I won't ever text-message a living soul. Mostly I listen to NPR on headphones as I go about my day...depending on the client, I can even write copy while listening to Fresh Air.

This morning NPR, which usually tries for balance, lost it this morning and dumped pail after pail of horrific news. Horrendous violence in Bagdad, 75% of the ocean is over-fished, Darfur is ankle-deep in blood, our economy has cracks that go all the way to the basement, and the White House's Current Occupant has taken a whole bunch of animals off the Endangered Species List. A couple of times I cried but I kept listening because I refuse to chicken out over current events. But I was also feeling small and utterly useless in the face of all this: the sorrows of the world.

There are people who are passionate and talented when faced with evil and chaos. I have the passion but no talent, although I've tried to do my bit. Frankly, when it comes to the large and ghastly stuff, I don't have much ability, and the little I have gets swamped by my over-sized emotions.

As a writer I do what I can. Purely political or tabloid art of any kind rarely accomplishes much. All the arts work sideways, rather than frontally, they seduce rather than conquer. It takes decades before the impact of a Guernica is really felt. Yet, on my good days, I believe that images and words are humankind's best hope.

Today isn't one of those days.

1 comment:

Mike E. said...

How about today?

Seeing and hearing all the "if it bleeds it leads" crapola in the media really wears on me, too.

Sometimes the answer is to go on a "news diet" where I simply shut off the TV, hide the front section of the newspaper, and immerse myself in a really good book.

Sometimes, I have the wherewithal to handle the barrage. At these times, I'm usually very philosophical:

- this is a very complex world with nearly 7 billion egos running amok over the planet's surface.

- These egos fight, flee, and get headaches.

- All of us know there's got to be a better way.

- Most of us make the mistake that our way is the only better way.

- All of us, (I think especially after a day of trash TV and doses of Co'Cola and BC Powder) can help all our 7 billion egos move ever so slightly in the right direction.

- We end up helping things along when we stop trying.

Yours in truly insane optimism,

Mike Ehling